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Friday, April 07, 2000

friday good stuff.

Apr 7, 2000

on the upside, I got paid today, talked to AT every day this week, and saw movies with friends. Today's film was Rules of Engagement, with D as my co-hort. movie rated about a 5 out of 10, nothing dreadful, but not great either. I got close to falling asleep in the flick during one of the courtroom scenes, but I don't blame the movie, I'm pretty tired. Tomorrow I go clothes shoping with AT, before she hits work. I need some boxers, and a couple replacements for worn out pants/shirts. Sat nite, I'll probably catch the John Cusak flick, maybe take AT out after work too. Sunday is Stomp. I'm still surprised that it was easier to organise the hippies than emage into going to that, but it's just as well... half the emage gang would've missed out anyhow due to moving or family obligation. Elements of my dating life are coming back to haunt me, patterns that I'd forgotten. I'm eating less, waking up earlier in the day, or having mildly fitful sleep. Visions of unknowable futures of married life already in my skull, regardless of what I tell myself about "It's only been a week, you dingaling!" Fantasies of what's to come (or not) in the relationship, wondering what all of the parts of that are like. What would it be like living with her? If we had kids, how would they look/act? What side of the bed should I take? Does this mean I should get a car, dispite my misgivings? Things like that echo in my head, for hours on end, and I can't seem to shake 'em. I can conjure memories of her perfume and face at will, and my heart actually skips a beat when I do so. I feel giddy just typing this stuff out, and it cheers me beyond my earlier troubles with other folks, causing me to smile and anxiously count the moments until I see her again. I've discovered that she likes Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Bjork, and assorted other less dissonant music than Korn, Kiss, and the Cure, including Jimi and Bowie, so the fear of mono-musicitis has been allayed. It's still goofy to me to be dating someone born after Star Wars was in the theatre, but she's quite smart, sexy, and emotionally together as far as my rosy-tinted radar can detect. All for now, I'm going to dawdle, and ponder her beauty some more. ;)


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